Leslie Carter
Make way for the princess of pop!! Move over britney spears, here comes LC!
Name- Leslie Barbara Carter height- 5'4
Birthday- June 6th, 1986
eye color- Hazel/blue
fav food- Pizza and taco's
fav ice cream- Cookie dough
Hair color- recently she went blonde
message to her fans- GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!otherwise you'll end up flipping burgers all your life
Fave drink: Coca Cola
Fave food: Pizza and mom's cooking
Fave color: Green and Blue
Fave pet: Dog
Fave song: "Doctor Jones" by Aqua
Fave music: Pop & R&B
Fave instruments: Guitar and clarinet
Fave movies: I Know What You Did Last Summer, and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Fave actor: Leonardo DiCaprio
Fave actress: Drew Barrymore
Fave holiday: Christmas
Fave subjects: Gym/PE and English
Fave day: Friday
Fave month: February